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  • Revista Pontal Carajás
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  • Revista Castanheiras
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  • IMPACT projects
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  • Baraquitã: Revista de Letras e Artes
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  • Escritas do Tempo
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  • ReDiPE: Revista Diálogos e Perspectivas em Educação
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  • Mostra Científica do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - MOCISSPA
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  • Contemporânea (ISSN 2675-2107)
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  • Seminário de Projetos de Ensino (ISSN: 2674-8134)
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  • Confronteiras
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  • Revista GPES - Estudos Surdos (ISSN 2595-9832)
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  • Vivências e Saberes Amazônicos
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  • Semana Acadêmica do IETU
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  • Congresso Araguaiense de Ciências Exata, Tecnológica e Social Aplicada
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  • Protocolo CEUA-Unifesspa
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